I think most of you already know! K ENB it is! Unfortunately, It has been removed from nexus, but I still have a copy of it. Huge thanks to KYO the author of this amazing ENB.
How to install it?
It's pretty easy. I already have a tutorial video, but I'll write it down for you! :D
For example, You download the Kinematic ENB. Open the archive. You'll see a four folders, the only one you need is Skyrim MAIN FOLDER. Open it and drag all of the files including the folders into your Main Skyrim folder.
Default location.
D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim
Now you have to download the ENB binary from http://enbdev.com/
For Kinematic you'll need the 0.239, but it works fine with the latest .252 too.
Open the archive, open the Wrapper version foder and drag only the D3D9.DLL into your main Skyrim folder.
And the last thing you have to do is change some values in the "SkyrimPrefs.ini"
You can find it here.
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Skyrim
That's it! Now you can start the game.
Oh and you have to disable every overlay programs like MSI Afterburner and DXtory. Otherwise your game will crash.
What version of the skyrim flora overhaul do you use?
VálaszTörlésThe newest 2.0
TörlésI see there are three different versions of K ENB. Which one is your favourite - Kinematic, Kountervibe or just "K"?